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AIMED Point Shooting
or P&S

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If you are one of the millions of people who have a handgun for self defense, this e-book can be your key to staying alive in a real close quarters shooting.

It contains a variety of life and death related shooting topics and issues. They are presented in an easy to understand and straight forward manner.

It also is controversial. It presents hard and troublesome facts about real close quarters shootings, and it asks hard questions about them. You will find no bull, bravado, hot air, or chest beating to support the arguments presented here. Facts and science based information rule.

This e-book takes on the sacred cow of the shooting community in a direct and hard hitting manner. It both asks and answers the question of why Sight Shooting fails in real close quarters shootings.

It is not meant to win a popularity contest. It is meant to help you stay alive, because being dead forever, is a long long time.

The question you need to answer is : is you life worth the cost of this e-book ?

The main focus of the e-book is a shooting enhancement and improvement called AIMED Point Shooting or P&S.

P&S provides for fast, automatic, and accurate aiming and shooting in good light or bad, in almost all conditions, when shooting multiple times, when moving, and even when you can’t use the sights.

P&S is not new, it works, and it has been tested by police. However, it is not well known in the shooting community and accepted by the powers that be, as a survival shooting method.

P&S is very simple, reliable, easy to use, can be learned with little or no training, and its FREE.

It also is compatible with a wide variety of pistols, revolvers, shotguns, submachine guns, and assault rifles.

A full and detailed presentation of the P&S method covering what it is, how to use it, its recent development and testing, along with facts, data, and science based information that support its use, plus more, is included in the e-book.

A variety of thought provoking issues and topics are brought up and addressed in this e-book, in connection with or in addition to a full and detailed explanation of P&S.

Available exclusively at Amazon.com
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