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Belgian Liege gunmakers
(Seven volumes by alphabetical order)

Belgian Liege gunmakers (Addendum) - Volume 7

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By Alain Daubresse

This printed and hardbound book, written in English and French by Alain Daubresse, provide an extensive insight about the gunmaking activity in Belgium from its very beginning to the middle of the 20th century.

Due to the vast quantity of data to treat, the global work was parted in a series of publications, into which each separate book is dealing with a small portion of the whole, and that is listed in alphabetical order.

The book presented below is the Addendum of the series and is covering gunmakers in the A to W range. Each gunmaker is presented with the maximum of data available and a wealth of color pictures about the most typical pieces of his production. Are also discussed the many markings found applied on the guns and their significance or purpose.

The gunmakers presented in this addendum volume are :

Ancion Jacques & Cie
Ancion Marx Léopold
André Léonard
Anciaux JL & Dewalle
Anssen J
Arendt Maurice

Baerten J
Barbault Alfred
Batard Maurice
Bauduin Charles
Bayet Frères
Behr Jean Jacques
Berleur Michel
Bernard Alphonse
Bernard Emile
Bernard P
Bernard Bertrand Burlet
Bernard & Pirghaye
Bertrand Antoine & Fils
Bishop Pierre
Bonhomme & David
Bonus F
Bosset Nicolas Jampsin
Boulanger Joseph
Boussart J
Bovy Servais Joseph
Breuer Eugène
Bruwier T
Bury Henri Joseph
Bury Jules

Cap & Giles S.A.
Cartoucherie Belge
Cartoucherie Russo-Belges
Cartoucherie Coopal & Cie
Chaineux J
Chefneux J J
Christophe Louis
Clément Charles P
Clément Lucien
Clément et Dolman
Clesse Antoine
Coleye M N
Collard Henri/Roux Jacques
Collette Victor
Comblain (Crusher)
Comblain H
Comblain - Dorther Hubert
Coquilhat & Digneffe
Cosemans Fr
Counet Philippe
Croute T & Deville L
Croute Théodore


Dacier Lambert
Dardenne Augustin
David H N
Debeche A ou Delderenne A
Declaye Joseph
Decortis Gilles
Defossé JB
Dehan Gérard
Delderenne J Destrivaux J
Delhaxhe Joseph
Delmotte M J
Delrée Armand
Deprez-Joasart Jean Mathieu
Dery Jean Michel
Dessard Jean
Dourlez & Van de Wirt
Dozin B - Rouma Lambert
Dresse Laloux & Cie
Drisket & Waroux
Drissen Oscar
Dumoulin Colombier
Dumoulin Henry & Fils

Explosifs de Clermont Muller
Explosifs d'Avré

Fabrique d'Armes de Liège
Fagnus & Clément
Fassin Rongé Pierre

Galand Charles François
Garot A
Gervais Emmanuel
Gervais Nicolas
Gilliquet François Joseph
Gheury J
Gobert Nicolas Fils
Goemans Fils
Grandjean Léon
Grosjean Frères
Grosjean Julien
Guerriero Alexandre
Guyot J

Hanquet JB
Harzé J
Henket Nicolas Joseph
Henrion A & Dassy T
Herman Emile & Parents Charles
Heuseux Jean-Baptiste

Jamain J
Jamin Marcel
Jamart & Cie
Jansen AD
Janssen Frères
Jeusette J
Joiris Michel Jean
Joset Jean-Pierre
Julien Joseph

Kinapen François Mathieu

Lambert Spinas
Leclercq Léon
Leclercq T
Ledent M
Lepage Piot Kaufmann
Leruite Smeets Clémentine
Lhoist Toussaint
Liégeois Auguste & Cie
Loron Pierre Antoine & G
Lovinfosse Hardy Fernand

Malherbe Edouard
Maréchal Lambert
Mariette Servais
Mercier François
Meyers H J
Moray Joseph & Jacques
Morisseaux H Ch
Mounard G & Compagnie

Nys J

Ory-Duquenne/Pire Jules
Oury Toussain Joseph

Passenbronder J A
Paulus Jean
Peclers Mathieu
Petry J A
Poudrerie d'Hornu
Prévost Gustave-Woit Claude
Purnelle F.

Raick Félix
Remy Jean Joseph
Renkin & Fils
Riga-Stassart Jean
Roncarati Albert
Rongé - M L A F
Rongé Spirlet

Saive Joseph
Sarton Hubert
Schaeffer & Kauffmann
Scherrer Henri
Scholberg Gustave
Stassart Jean
Stiennon Louis

Thonon Michel & Fils

Walthéry Frédéric
Wilket-Mariette Albert
Wilmart Ernest
Woit Claude


Ziegler Adolf Robert

The engravers presented in this addendum volume are :

Acampo L

Baerten J
Bague J
Bailly J P
Bara & Delcour
Bee Angelo
Bodson Mario
Boussart J

Claesen Charles
Coenen R
Corombelle Hypolite
Cortis L
Cuvelier H

Deglain Oscar
Delahaut Geoffroy
Diercks André
Diet De Sarolay
Dossin AJ & Lovenberg Alain
Dupont Fernand

Hannay M
Hurkens F

Kowalski R

Lallemand P
Lambert L
Legiers Charles
Lemaitre Léon
Lemarchand R & Bee R
Leukers Henri
Lewanczyk J
Lovenberg Alain

Ernst Lucien

Falloise Louis

Gino C
Gob Adolphe Louis Joseph
Grifgnee Philippe
Grosjean Véronique

Magis M
Marechal A
Marechal F
Morin Pierre

Purgal Sophie

Risack R & Dewalt P
Risack Raymond

Servais Charles
Smeets L

Theunens Emile H

Vrancken Louis

Waroux Joseph
Watrin A
Willems Walthère


The size of this book of 337 pages is about 30 cm X 22 cm (11.80" X 8.60"). Its weight is 1.660 kg (35.00 oz). It is was built using a very thick cardboard cover and the paper used for the printing was of the high glossy type and carefully bound by threads. A strong good product that will last for long usage in your firearms books bibliary.


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Volume 7 (Addendum)


Price shipping included


Europe : 85.00 Euros

Rest of the world : 110.00 Euros

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